====== 2024-11-24 - remote flashing embedded device ====== recently, when working on [[https://github.com/el-bart/yals|YALS]] pet-project, i had a need to flash the board via attached programmer... but in such a way that would not back-feed 12V to my PC, in case i mess sth up in wiring / design. the answer was simple -- just use [[wp>single board computer|SBC]] with WiFi, that can be considered disposable, in case of a hard-failure. my weapon of choice was [[wp>Raspberry Pi|raspberry pi zero W]], as it's: * small * cheap * WiFi-enabled * can natively support SWD for [[wp>RP2040]] flashing i must say -- it worked like a charm! :) at the end of the day i managed to not release any magic smoke from either of the boards. yet stil knowing that i have a proper, physical isolation between my PC and test circuitry kept my mind calm and allowed me to focus on the real deal. {{:blog:2024:11:24:yals_rp-prog.jpg|RasPi Zero W as WiFi-enabled SWD flashing tool}}