====== 2014-06-22 - battlefield - web ====== network is a battlefield -- different sites try to track you, learn your patterns, or even take over your computer. to the battle one wants to come prepared. full plate armor sounds nice! :) below is set of nice add-ons to firefox/iceweasel, that helps you to protect your privacy and keep bad sources on the leash. i hope you 'll find these useful as well. * [[http://noscript.net|noscript]] -- selective blocker of on page scripts and other plug-ins. if you do not want something to be running, it won't. because of this add-on olone i'm often surprised to see commercials and other crap on web pages i do visit, whenever i happen visit them from some's else computer. ;) * [[https://www.ghostery.com|ghostery]] -- privacy control. blocker for tracking services, analyzers and so on. whenever you enter a page it automatically blocks facebook's, goolgle's and others' scripts, that try to collect information about you. * [[https://adblockplus.org|adblock plus]] -- well known plug-in hiding commercials pop-ups away for you. * [[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/self-destructing-cookies/?src=api|self destructing cookies]] -- removes cookies when you leave a page or close a browser (configurable on per-domain basis). it's a great balance between usability and privacy. * [[https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere|https-everywhere]] -- enables HTTPS whenever possible, fixes links on HTTPS sites, that point to "regular" HTTP resources, etc. * [[http://getfoxyproxy.org|foxyproxy]] -- per-site proxy configuration tool. have fun... and some privacy.