====== 2016-02-29 - auto-generating revision and tags ====== most project deal with providing build-reversion and tags to build manually. there is however an interesting trick to [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3780667/use-cmake-to-get-build-time-svn-revision|automate getting revision number in cmake]]. while not perfect (one must rebuild twice when [[wp>ninja (build)|ninja]] is used)), it is reasonably useful to put into a real project. i've introduced the concept for getting revision ID (git's commit hash) and list (!!) of tags in production system, we're currently working on. it works like a charm. from now on, whenever we get logs from testers, we can clearly see which version of our software was used, even if there are human-errors in description fields. it turned out to be quite a time savior, in some cases.