====== 2021-11-26 - apt-key is dead... finally! ====== today i was preparing some dockerized SDK, with some out-of-distro tooling. the usuall stuff: - find external repo - add to ''apt'' ''sources.list.d'' - then ''apt-key'' and surprise! deprecation warning! fast-forward 23 seconds and [[https://www.linuxuprising.com/2021/01/apt-key-is-deprecated-how-to-add.html|everything is clear]]. it's deprecated because of a fatal design flaw -- keys added could be used to sign ANY package. even overwrite sth from the main distro (think: glibc, kernel...). this is the exact reason i drop using external repos a long time ago on my machines. if ever needed -- only via docker or VM. so what's current, better solution? obviously connect repo with a key. you can do this now with a simple syntax, when defining a repo file. here's how it goes: - wget -O - https://some.custom.repo/key.gpg | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/repo-keyring.gpg - vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/repo.list and there the key part (literally ;)): deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/repo-keyring.gpg] https://some.custom.repo/debian bullseye main followed by usuall: apt update apt install my-favourite-custom-package and done! :)