====== 2023-12-14 - SOKS ====== you probably know [[wp>Arthur C. Clarke]]'s saying that "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". that was my exact impression when couple of days ago i've read [[https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/navy-ships/a28724/submarine-sonar-soks/|how Soviet's SOKS was used to track USA submarines]]. [[wp>SOKS]] is a device dating back to 1969 (!!) that allows to tack submarines by finding trail that they leave underwater by: - traces of radiation from reactor - salt concentration changes (mixing water when huge object passes by) - temperature changes (reactor cooling can heat up water by up to 10*C) {{:blog:2023:12:14:soks.jpg?400|SOKS}} i do not know what blew my mind more in this story: * the fact that's even possible? * the fact that has been accomplished in 1969? * the fact that this was done using Soviet technology of the time? * the fact that it has been (partially!) declassified only in 2017? wonder what they are using and working on now, half a century later.