====== Wrocław ====== ===== the city ===== * [[http://www.wroclaw.pl/m/15]] (PL) -- city communication in Wrocław. maybe there will come a day the bus will be on time... * [[http://plan.pl/wroclaw/mapa/index.php]] (PL) -- the one and the only internet map of Wroclaw that is fast, easy to use and works with most browsers i know. * [[http://www.festiwal.wroc.pl]] -- DFN (Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki) is an every-year-event dedicated to propagation of science and technology among young. * [[http://www.zako.wroclaw.pl]] (PL) -- vet i go to with my evil-rabits. ===== Wrocław University of Technology ===== * [[http://www.pwr.wroc.pl]] -- Wrocław University of Technology main page. * [[http://www.iis.pwr.wroc.pl/~huk/bbot/rel1/relacja.html]] (PL) -- summary of brush bots' racing organized on PWr during summer 2008. * [[http://www.doktoranci.pwr.wroc.pl]] -- subpage for PhD students. * [[http://www.wiz.pwr.wroc.pl]] -- faculty of IT and Management main page. * [[http://www.iis.pwr.wroc.pl]] -- Institute of Applied IT. * [[http://sun10.ci.pwr.wroc.pl/~cjant]] (PL) -- artificial intelligence science group. * [[http://www.ci.pwr.wroc.pl/~kwasnick]] -- prof. Halina Kwaśnicka's (my master thesis overseer and PhD promotor) home page. * [[http://bazy.bg.pwr.wroc.pl/logon.php]] (PL) -- electronic library with papers from many scientific journals. password protected restricted access. * [[http://www.linux-reinstalacja.pl]] (PL) -- student's initiative: installing linux on machines brought by visitors. * [[http://www.roboticarena.pl]] (PL/ENG) -- mini-sumo robot duels organizers' page.