2017-12-21 - home page hosting

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recently i got an e-mail reminding me of a payment for hosting… and last year i've moved to https. for this to work i needed to buy:

so to have nowadays normal, HTTPS-secured web page, hosted by the provider, i needed to pay almost 370zł/year.

after a quick browse on the net it turned out that for less than 230zł/year i can have private VM in a PaaS cloud, with public address and a free certificate from Let's Encrypt. about 40% in cost saving + convenient backups, shell, crontab, etc…

the fun fact is that even w/o certificate, PaaS' VM hosting + static, public IP is still cheaper than 3rd-party hosting + static, public IP address… ;)

provided neither supported Let's Encrypt, nor similar…
provided did not support SNI “because it is not supported well enough” (?!).