2023-12-14 - humor
2023-12-14 - SOKS
2023-12-14 - OpenVPN and fast reconnects
2023-11-03 - heater PID tuning in 3D printer
2023-11-03 - switching to full-metal hotend
2023-11-03 - camera light for print monitoring
2023-11-03 - new hotend cooling
2023-09-26 - 3D printing enclosures
2023-08-26 - QED
2023-08-26 - handling enums in C++
2023-08-22 - interesting bash feature
2023-08-17 - card collecting is expensive
2023-06-06 - github personal readme
2023-05-06 - toy railway barrier
2023-01-07 - too cheap lab power supply